I need your help :
When any user logs into my website (admins too), the maintenance page is displayed with the url "/node?destination=node", while maintenance mode is surely off.
Then, if the user calls the host base url, the website is working normally and user is properly logged-in. The maintenance page never appears again while maintenance mode is off.
If you've got any idea please keep me in touch, I'm lost ^^
Thanks in advance.
-- Info(s) : Drupal 7.31 + Module Drupal Commerce
during maintenance mode and is now serving it from cache?cache_
tables, and logs do not affect this. You could try to restart your webserver (apache/nginix) though. Also be aware that Drupal 7.31 is vulnerable to drupal.org/SA-CORE-2014-005 what might be an explanation for this strange behavior.