I have a content type "Construction Job" with the title field renamed "Job #". When we create a new job, we assign it a unique job number in the title field.
I have two additional content types, "Update team 1" and "Update team 2". These content types have different fields because the work being done is different, but they share a field called "pictures". Each content type also has an entity reference field to the "Construction Job" content type so we can tie them together.
I'm trying to create a dashboard type display with various different views so management can review jobs with all of the information in one location. I'd like to create a slideshow off all of the pictures uploaded from either of the two update content types, and contextually filter that slideshow so that only the images from the updates for that particular "Construction Job" are shown.
I can create a separate slideshow view for the pictures from each respective Update type, but then I'm left with two separate slideshows on the same page. I'm trying to combine this into one slideshow as we're looking at adding a third different Update content type.
I've tried adding a contextual filter for each entity reference field from the two independent content type, but that doesn't work. That is I can create a contextual filter for the entity reference field for the first content type, but the view then eliminates all images from the second update content type. When I add the second contextual filter, the view returns no results when I enter a value in the filter preview.