I have an external web service, which can be accessed using a HTTP call (with parameters passed as query string), and that returns the result in XML format.
I would like to use Drupal to access that web service (with the desired parameters), and display the result using Views.
These are a sample query and the result obtained from the web service I am using.
Query: http://localhost/query.php?cy=in&q=abcd&cat=22
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Job ID="111">
<Title>Test one</Title>
<Summary>Test one summary</Summary>
<DateUpdated Date="2011-04-04 18:03:00">4/4/2011</DateUpdated>
<CompanyName>Test Company</CompanyName>
<Job ID="222">
<Title>Test two</Title>
<Summary>Test two summary</Summary>
<DateUpdated Date="2011-04-04 18:03:00">4/4/2011</DateUpdated>
<CompanyName>Test company</CompanyName>