I have installed an Open Atrium, which is based on Drupal 6, but this is a rather general question towards Drupal 6.

In every content type I have an Upload File field which work just fine, but it does not quite meet my requirements. I have already defined an directory structure on my server, which I would like to maintain as is. Therefore, the functionality I am trying to achieve is to allow a user, who selects a file to upload from local computer, to be able to select the path where to store it (preferably outside of Drupal installation).

To be able to reach an outside directory I have created an alias to the necessary directory (e.g. C:\blalbla\ --> localhost/dev).

2 Answers 2


You could use a text input with select list, allowed values list will be generated with php code reading the directory you created, then using File (Field) Paths you will save the upload on the select list input.


You could set up a taxonomy vocabulary that stores folder names and then use filefield paths to generate the upload path from those taxonomy terms.

  • Hi, thanks for the answer. But this not that I am trying to achieve. Imagine existed hundreds directories with subdirectories. THerefore taxonomy for each one is just imposible nor practical.
    – Jim
    Commented Jan 30, 2012 at 12:30

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