I'm trying to set up Broswers-Sync for my Aquia Dev Desktop Drupal 7 installation on localhost

In the page tutorial it says to set up local host like this command:

browser-sync start --proxy "myproject.dev" --files "css/*.css"

But I'm not sure what to put in there for my actual project.

The file I want to target is:


And site URL on my machine is:


I want to know what to put in the command line to make this work.

2 Answers 2


You need to specify the hostname and port (patch.dd:8083) and the path to the CSS files you want to watch. Using the values in your example, you should therefore run:

browser-sync start --proxy "patch.dd:8083" --files "C:\patch\sites\all\themes\bootstrap_subtheme_local\css\style.css"
  • Hi Nic, yes indeed this is working, it DOES open the website in the window, but changing css does nothing after saving, need to refresh...using Notepad++, am I missing something? URL says localhost:3000 so everything should work? Commented Mar 24, 2016 at 9:26

Here's the fix, I used...

The problem was that localhost:3000 isn't actually connected to http://yourblogname.dd:8080/- you can verify this by going to localhost:3001 (or the UI port shown on your console) and you should see that while using aquia dev desktop, there is no connection unless you go to yourblogname.dd/3000

To fix this, I've used an external call, that will change the output localhost:3000 to myblogname:3000

gulp.task('browserSync', function() {
    //note: special fix for aquia dev desktop, to get mybog.dd
       open: 'external',
       host: 'yourblogname.dd',
       proxy: 'http://yourblogname.dd:8080/', // or project.dev/app/

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