I'm trying to make a custom view mode for user profiles. In my user-profile--myviewmode.tpl.php, I want to get the UID for the user whose profile it is.

The help text for user-profile.tpl.php states:

$user_profile: An array of profile items. Use render() to print them. Field variables: for each field instance attached to the user a corresponding variable is defined; e.g., $account->field_example has a variable $field_example defined. When needing to access a field's raw values, developers/themers are strongly encouraged to use these variables. Otherwise they will have to explicitly specify the desired field language, e.g. $account->field_example['en'], thus overriding any language negotiation rule that was previously applied.

I used dpm() to print out the array $user_profile, but I couldn't find the UID anywhere.

Then I tried:

global $user;
$uid = $user->uid;

However, this doesn't work because when I use Views to render the view mode, it gives me the UID of the logged-in user, not the user whose profile is being rendered.

Is there a way to get the UID in user-profile.tpl.php? I need to get the UID to build some custom links based on it.

1 Answer 1


I found the uid under the elements >> #account object:


Good luck!

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