I'm making a web about football and this is the situation of my problem:
I have a content-type called 'player stats' taxonomized with the vocabularies 'season' & 'day' and another content-type called 'chronicle' with the same tag-system of the 'player stats' content-type.
I want to have my custom node-template for all the content of type 'Chronicle', but including in any content-pane a Views-pane with content from the 'player stats' for a given 'season' and a given 'day'. My url structure is: example.com/chronicle/season-x/day-y and I tried to get arguments from url but the internal path node/% impossibilite it (as far I know)...
My second option is to create a Panel page, and try to insert content (using views pane's with contextual filters) from both content-types 'chronicle' and 'player stats' to make a chronicle with complete stats of the players in the same page. But my problem is that I only get visible ONE View-pane, the other ones seems not to work an I can't see any more view-panes that compose my panel-page. (please, see attached snapshots)
I am doing anything wrong? I'll glad to read you suggestions and your help. (sorry for my bad english, I'm catalonian from Barcelona). Thanks.
Attached files::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
It's my first time posting here, so I have not enough privilieges to attach more than 2 links. But snapshots & export-files are available in the original post, at drupal.org: