How can I change the page title output?

<title>{{ head_title|safe_join(' | ') }}</title>

in html.html.twig changes the mark/letter which creates: <pagetitle> | <sitename>, but I want to change this order to <sitename> | <pagetitle>

2 Answers 2


Another option without the extra module overhead (still a valid option):

<title>{{ head_title|reverse|safe_join(' | ') }}</title>

Simply add the reverse filter to that part of your html.html.twig file

Twig rulez! Cheers!

  • I have accepted your answer, because more "simpler" way, and does exactly what I wanted. However, I wen't with the metatag module. I looked at it, and it seems to be interesting module to play with anyway.
    – Diamonte
    Commented Apr 18, 2016 at 5:43

You can accomplish this using the Meta Tag module

enter image description here

Click on override and switch it.

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