function form_example_form($form, &$form_state) {
      $form_state ['store_value'] =1;
      $form['submit_button'] = array(
        '#type' => 'submit',
        '#value' => t('Click Here!'),

  return $form;

How to do this in drupal 8

2 Answers 2


Insert the the value in $form_state:

$form_state->set('store_value', 1);

And then later for example in submitForm():

$value = $form_state->get('store_value');

Don't use getValue() or setValue(), because this is for submitted values.

If you are migrating more forms from D7 to D8, use this as reference:

$form_state is now a classed object

  • Correct, be aware of how form caching changed however, it might no longer behave the way you expect it to: drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/192402/…
    – Berdir
    May 10, 2016 at 18:37
  • Good advice. It depends on what kind of data you store and what you want to do with it. Some things better work with a session, either to store all the data or in combination with form data.
    – 4uk4
    May 10, 2016 at 20:59

$form_state is a instance of FormState object, you need use setValue($key, $value) method to store values on it.

Check the docs for additional info.

From docs:


string|array $key: Values are stored as a multi-dimensional associative array. If $key is a string, it will use $values[$key] = $value. If $key is an array, each element of the array will be used as a nested key. If $key = array('foo', 'bar') it will use $values['foo']['bar'] = $value.

mixed $value: The value to set.

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