I have values in database like:

x submits file 1

x submits file 2

y submits file 1

y submits file 3

x submits file 1(again)

I had my output with aggregation settings as group results together as

x submits file 1

x submits file 2

y submits file 1

y submits file 3

it just grouped file 1 submissions of x

i want it to be :

x submits file 1,2

y submits file 1,3

Can anyone please help?

2 Answers 2


In D7 - you can achieve your grouping structure in Views with the help of the Views Merge Rows module.

You'd use the option "Use values of this field as a filter" for the field that produces x & y. And for the file name field you'd use the option "Merge unique values of this field".


I have completed this by using https://www.drupal.org/project/views_field_view

I created a view with a contextual filter to show the extra information in one field

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