I am trying to get the node URL in a Twig template. {{ content.node_link }} returns the full link, but I only need the URL.

How do I retrieve the node URL?

  • 5
    If you look in the node template, you will see that url is an available variable. Thus simply printing {{ url }} for example will render the raw URL, /node/[nid] i.e. /node/30 without any wrapping markup. Is that what you are looking to do? May 30, 2016 at 16:32

4 Answers 4


According to Functions - In Twig Templates you can use is simple by

 {{ path('entity.node.canonical', {'node': node.id}) }}
  • 4
    This solution works, and is pretty groovy. But using {{ url }} in a node-- based twig template will give you the same result. Aug 29, 2017 at 13:20
  • I've used this in field template. Aug 31, 2023 at 13:12

In a node.html.twig you can directly use {{ url }}

<a href="{{ url }}">read more</a>

For more information read comment in core template : /core/modules/node/templates/node.html.twig :

 * @file
 * Default theme implementation to display a node.
 * Available variables:
 * - node: The node entity with limited access to object properties and methods.
 * ...
 * - url: Direct URL of the current node.
 * ...

<article{{ attributes }}>

  {{ title_prefix }}
  {% if not page %}
    <h2{{ title_attributes }}>
      <a href="{{ url }}" rel="bookmark">{{ label }}</a>
  {% endif %}
  {{ title_suffix }}
  • 1
    You should explain your answer more rather than "simply put". An explanation, such as what @Danny Englander wrote in the question comment, helps the asker and others to learn more about how you came up with your answer and how they can help themselves in the future.
    – mradcliffe
    Aug 28, 2017 at 18:45
  • This is the easiest method, using a built-in variable in the node twig template. Aug 29, 2017 at 13:21
  • That should be the accepted answer
    – Capsule
    Feb 2, 2018 at 1:10

I have found this solution that works, but is quite convoluted.

{{ path('entity.node.canonical', {'node': content['#node'].id()  }) }}
  • 6
    You can use node.id instead of content['#node'].id()
    – 4uk4
    May 30, 2016 at 14:10
  • 3
    I am working in view with a display suite template and 'node' is not one of the available keys. {{ dump(_context|keys) }} gives these keys only: 'content','theme_hook_original','attributes','title_attributes','content_attributes','title_prefix','title_suffix','db_is_active','is_admin','logged_in','user','directory','settings','layout', '#cache','theme_hook_suggestions'
    – inalto
    May 30, 2016 at 16:21
  • 1
    Great solution for display suite templates. @4k4 content['#node'].id() is correct for the DS context. Jul 31, 2018 at 0:58

This worked for me:

<a href="{{ url('<current>') }}">{{ 'Reload'|t }}</a>

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