OK, so I have 3 different Taxonomy Vocabularies filled like this: One for Carriers [AT&T, T-Mobile] One for Manufacturers [Samsung, iPhone, etc] And one for the Models [Galaxy S3, S4, etc]
All of these are set as an Exposed Filter for a custom view, But what I want is for the last Exposed Filter, "Models" to be Filtered by whatever Selection is made in "Manufacturers"
So if I Select iPhone, I only see Models for iPhones.
I've searched everywhere without the solution I need. And if it is what I needed, I wasn't able to set it up, or directions weren't clear enough.
I have Term References Linked from the Models to the Manufacturers, but idk how to Filter the Exposed Filter to only show Model choices for the selected manufacturer.
How do I filter exposed taxonomy terms with other exposed taxonomy terms? Any help is appreciated!
I'm Working with Drupal 7.