We are currently migrating a Drupal 6 site to Drupal 8. We have a view that shows a table of files uploaded through the file depot. One of the columns on the table was an Expiration Date. In Drupal 6 we had a module called Auto Expire to set a date for a node to expire which we used to create a field on the view showing the number of days until the link to the file expired.
We created a Node view with multiple fields as the column headings (Date Created, Expiration Date, Staff Member, File Name). For the expiration field, we used Auto Expire to create an Expiration Date field set to 7 days after the creation date. After the 7 days, the node (file depot page) and it's attachments would get deleted.
How do I recreate this functionality (whether programmatically or otherwise) in Drupal 8, since Auto Expire is not updated for Drupal 8?
I am currently looking into the Scheduler module as there is a version for Drupal 8.