I have a simple configuration parameter for a custom module. I use this parameter to decide how to render a field using a custom render element:
class Jmol extends RenderElement {
* Define the available options for our new render element.
public function getInfo() {
$class = get_class($this);
// Produce the default settings for our render element.
return [
'#pre_render' => [
[$class, 'preRenderJmol'],
'#version' => NULL,
'#theme' => NULL,
'#id' => 'mydiv',
'#info' => [],
'#attached' => [
'library' => [],
public static function preRenderJmol($element) {
// Examine the config file to see which library version to use.
$config = \Drupal::config('jmol.settings');
$version = $config->get('version');
// Look at the element to see which version the user would like to use.
// They may have changed it from the default.
if ($element['#version'] != NULL) {
$version = $element['#version'];
// The twig template to use.
$theme = "";
// Add the correct library to any the user has already provided.
$library = $element['#attached']['library'];
if ($version == 'full') {
$theme = 'jmol_full_template';
$library[] = 'jmol/jmol_full';
elseif ($version == 'lite') {
$theme = 'jmol_lite_template';
$library[] = 'jmol/jmol_lite';
// Only add the theme if the user has not specified one.
if ($element['#theme'] == NULL) {
$element['#theme'] = $theme;
// Add the info array to drupalSetting so the JS can access it.
$id = $element['#id'];
$drupalsettings['jmol'][$id] = [
'info' => $element['#info'],
$element['#attached'] = [
'drupalSettings' => $drupalsettings,
'library' => $library,
return $element;
If I visit the module settings page and change the value of the "version" parameter, my module continues to behave the same until I clear the cache.
The submit portion of my configuration form is:
* {@inheritdoc}
public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
$config = \Drupal::service('config.factory')->getEditable('jmol.settings');
$config->set('version', $form_state->getValue('jmol_version'))
parent::submitForm($form, $form_state);
Is there something else my submitForm function needs to do, or is there a different way I need to be reading the config parameter?