Here is how to use cache tags in the context of custom blocks which I have tried and works but I think it applies to other contexts
Use default drupal tags
In the build array you can specify cache > tags > node_list
and this block content would get invalidated (refreshed) when ANY NODE is changed with nothing else to do on your part
public function build() {
return array(
'#markup' => MY_MODULE_awesome_dynamic_node_content(),
'#cache' => [
'tags' => ['node_list'], //invalidate when any node updates
//'tags' => ['node:1','term:2'], //invalidate when node 1 or term 2 updates
Alternatively you can put in one or more node/term/user IDs to invalidate the array on specific nodes or terms as shown in the code comment above. Note: you can mix and match nodes, terms, users and custom tags as you see fit.
Use your own tags
if you want to have your own way of clearing your build array add your custom unique tag in the build array (any unique string will do)
public function build() {
return array(
'#markup' => MY_MODULE_awesome_dynamic_node_content(),
'#cache' => [
'tags' => ['MY_CUSTOM_UNIQUE_TAG'],
and in your custom code logic call invalidateTags
with your own tag
function MY_MODULE_custom_clear_cache_logic(){
if you want to read more about drupal 8 cache internals