I make use of the view: "taxonomy term". Is there an easy way to also show the children of a term, next to the nodes beloging to this term?


- Volvo
--- Family_cars
--- Sports_cars
- Honda
--- Parts
--- ...
- ...

When you see the "cars" page I want to show all articles about cars (but not about Volvo, Honda, ...) AND I want to show the children (Volvo, Honda, ...) When you click one of these I want to show all the articles belonging with them, again with their children.

2 Answers 2


If I understood you correctly, you want to display nodes that have a term, but not the nodes that have a child term.

You also want to display the child terms.

There are some different ways of handling this, since you are using the default view, you should get a View already that displays the correct nodes - so all you are missing is the terms.

The best way to deal with this, is not through Views, but a module called Taxonomy menu. It will create a menu with the same structure of a vocabulary which can expend, to show child menus. As with menus you get use the block system to add them on the term pages. Beware of a bug with the menu system though see the issue.

A quick fix is to add this in your settings file:

$conf['menu_default_active_menus'] = array(

1.taxonomy/term/x -- where x is the term id to show, a number.

2.to show children nodes you need to add a depth variable. The syntax is: taxonomy/term/x/y -- where x is the term id to show, and y is the depth to go below x.

3.to show all children nodes. The syntax is: taxonomy/term/x/all -- where x is the term id to show.

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