I have gone a 2 days journey now inspecting container.html.twig
and extra suggestions for it and lots of other dead end solutions.
I finaly came back here and got a result i want to keep here for reference:
i developed and tested this code with Drupal 9.0.1
* Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK_alter() for form templates.
* @hook: form
* @suggestion: search_block_form
* @result: loads template form--search_block_form.html.twig
function myTheme_theme_suggestions_form_alter(array &$suggestions, array $variables) {
if ($variables['element']['#form_id'] == 'search_block_form') {
$suggestions[] = 'form__search_block_form';
* @file
* Custom Search form template
* Available variables:
* - attributes: A list of HTML attributes for the wrapper element.
* - children: The child elements of the form.
* - element: Not documented but exits, need to find out more
* @see template_preprocess_form()
* @why the default call of `{{ children }}` calls a "container.twig.html"
* instead of the form elements itself "input.twig.html"
* its technically not necessary to have container markup arround
* label, text input and submit button and its a drawback for
* extended CSS layouts that get way more complex on such markup
{# extend element attributes (taken from bartik) #}
set attributes = attributes.addClass('search-form', 'search-block-form')
{# create attributes for the search input field by system variable #}
set input_attributes = create_attribute(element.keys['#attributes'])
{# extend attributes for the search input field #}
set input_attributes = input_attributes.setAttribute('placeholder', element.keys['#title'])
{# create attributes for the search submit button by system variable #}
set submit_attributes = create_attribute(element.actions['submit']['#attributes'])
<form{{ attributes }}>
<label for="{{ input_attributes.id }}">{{ element.keys['#title'] }}</label>
<input{{ input_attributes }} />
<button{{ submit_attributes }}><span class="visually-hidden">{{ element.actions['submit']['#value'] }}</span></button>
also possible variants for submit:
<input{{ submit_attributes }} />
<button{{ submit_attributes }}>{{ element.actions['submit']['#value'] }}</button>