enter image description hereI can barely cut and paste JS stuff and have not seen an example of this anywhere. I have added a vertical tab to the node admin page and I want to show either "Limited" when the value of a field in the tab is not zero or "Not limited" if it is.

I see lots of examples of using check boxes, but this is a numeric field.

  • Sorry but your Q is unclear to me. Show limited and unlimited where? value of which field? Maybe a screenshot with some arrows pointing at stuff would help.
    – No Sssweat
    Commented Sep 7, 2016 at 23:26
  • In the tab itself, much like the publishing options are shown. Or where it shows "Display" or "Don't display post information." The field is "content_limit_count" which can be zero for unlimited or some number for a limit. The number is used in the code, but on the node admin page all I want to show is whether or not there is a limit.
    – NancyDru
    Commented Sep 8, 2016 at 0:02
  • Ugh... maybe it's just me, but I'm still not get in it.
    – No Sssweat
    Commented Sep 8, 2016 at 0:59
  • Okay, I added a picture.
    – NancyDru
    Commented Sep 8, 2016 at 2:38

1 Answer 1


Sorry for the late response, your question escaped my mind.

(function ($) {
   (function Forever(){ // we create a function called Forever
     var grabval = $('#edit-title').val();
       if ($(this).children().children('strong').text() == 'Content Limit'){
         if (grabval == 0 && $(this).children().children('span') == null){
           $(this).children().children('strong').after('<span class="summary">Not Limited</span>');        
         else if (grabval == 0 && $(this).children().children('span') != null){
           $(this).children().children('span').html('Not Limited');        
         else if (grabval != 0 && $(this).children().children('span') == null){
           $(this).children().children('strong').after('<span class="summary">Limited</span>');   
         else if (grabval != 0 && $(this).children().children('span') != null){
   setTimeout(Forever, 1);

I used the node title for mine, so if you change the title to 0 or 1 or 2 ..etc, it will change.

So all you have to do is change the var grabtext = $('#edit-title').val(); more specifically the #edit-title part, and put the ID or Class name of your Maximum per time period box.

  • Suggestion: remove the very 1st line of your answer (no need for "sorry" ... after all: better late then never, no?). Commented Dec 17, 2016 at 20:35

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