Sometimes I get lost in all the options I have on the drupal platform.
I am currently creating a site for a choir. I want them to be able to add new concerts. There has to be a page for every concert. I want to use a multicolumn layout for those concertpages. This layout I want to define using a twig template. Each concert would get a standard layout at creation.
I want to be able to override that template for each individual concert. Once the grafic design for promotion material is finished the page has to be inline with the grafic design. But it still has to be editable like a normal drupal-page.
I thought about doing that with a content type. But can I theme that in a multicolumn layout using twig? It seems like I only have a {{ content }} variable in twig.
Am I missing something? It seems like a custom entity would be a better solution since I can define a render array and add the fields in different variables wich I can then use in my twig file.
Maybe I got it all wrong, this is my second drupal project and I'm still learning to find the best way of getting things done.