I'm trying to install the CKEditor Codesnippet module. I've downloaded the source but I don't know how to install it.

In the module page istructions are:

Download the plugin from http://ckeditor.com/addon/codesnippet at least version 4.5.11.

Place the plugin in the root libraries folder (/libraries).

Enable CodeSnippet in the Drupal admin.

Configure your WYSIWYG toolbar to include the button.

I cannot find the /libraries folder. Should I create it in the root folder of Drupal installation or somewhere else?

2 Answers 2


Make sure you have the the Libraries API module installed/enabled. Some details about it (from its project page):

The common denominator for all Drupal modules/profiles/themes that integrate with external libraries.

This module introduces a common repository for libraries in sites/all/libraries resp. sites/<domain>/libraries for contributed modules.

  • I would not recommend installing libraries because it is not in a stable state, and the approach to external libraries using the libraries module is up in the air - see drupal.org/node/1704734
    – mradcliffe
    Commented Sep 22, 2016 at 13:50

You can (need to) create it in the web root.

  • I've just created libraries in root and copied codesnippet folder, but when I go to Home Administration Configuration Content authoring Text formats and editors I cannot find the codesnippet button to add... what else I'm missing?
    – Jepessen
    Commented Sep 18, 2016 at 11:00
  • Please update question with screenshot or any browser errors.
    – Kevin
    Commented Sep 18, 2016 at 13:24
  • @Jepessen I am not sure, but you may need to install the libraries module, if you haven't done so.
    – No Sssweat
    Commented Sep 18, 2016 at 23:53
  • How did installing the Libraries module solve it? I haven't written any integration for it.
    – Kevin
    Commented Sep 22, 2016 at 13:22

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