OK, so I have a weird one that I have never seen before. I have about 15 Drupal sites setup locally that are all running fine. I am attempting to setup a new one that I am setting up from a Drush archive dump that was given to me. I have used this method plenty of times in the past.
I am on a Windows 7 box and am running WAMP server v2.5. Apache v2.4.9, PHP5.5.12 and MySQl 5.6.17. So, I create the database, create the entry in my HOSTS file and create the entry in my Apache httpd-vhosts.conf file. I tweak my settings.php file with the correct dB connection info and attempt to go to the site and the site comes up just fine.
I can view the homepage. If I attempt to go to something like local.mysite.com/admin, I get "Access Denied" as expected. However, if I go to local.mysite.com/user and then login with user 1, I get "This site can’t be reached - ERR_CONNECTION_RESET" in Chrome and then I continue to get that even if I attempt to go to the homepage again. If I go to local.mysite.com/user/logout, it will successfully log me out and then the home page comes up again just fine. It only won't display when I login.
I thought maybe it was the temp directory, but I used Drush to check what that was set at and made sure I had that on my local box. I checked the PHP logs, the Apache logs and the MySQl logs and nothing jumped out at me as out of the ordinary. I also checked to make sure the .htaccess files were in place. I also checked this in multiple browsers and got the same result. I also tried changing the name of the site from local.mysite.com to "foo" in my HOSTS file and in Apache and restarted Apache and the site comes up, but it does the same exact thing. The site cant be reached as soon as I login. I'm at a total loss here.