I have multiple modules for custom content types (like "node_type_food" and "node_type_wine"), based on "node_type_example" in the drupal examples module.
I can install a content type like "node_type_food" without any problems but installing a second content type like "node_type_wine" with a common field (food & wine both have a field "field_text") results in this error:
Unable to install Content type wine, field.storage.node.field_text already exists in active configuration.
Without the field.storage.node.field_text.yml in config/install I can't install a content type when no other content type provides the field storage..
Unable to install Node type wine, field.field.node.wine.field_text has unmet dependencies.
Edit: Problem also descibed in comment on Install a module that creates a content type with fileds via YAML