I need to add a style attribute to the .region-content tag in order to set a field-dependent background image.
How do I do this? I have the node in page.html.twig in the page.node variable, but not in region.html.twig, and there doesn't seem to be a way to transfer it from one to the other at that level.
This seemed like a good first attempt:
function [THEME]_preprocess_page(&$variables) {
$variables['page']['content']['#context']['node'] = $variables['node'];
function [THEME]_preprocess_region(&$variables) {
if ($variables['region'] == 'content') {
Unfortunately, that doesn't work - the context variable is still an empty array. How do I transfer context from one theme element to one of its children?
This could be done with a global* variable or something, but that looks horrendously inelegant.
Edit: Well, preferably a call to a function with a static variable, but that still seems like a bad hack.