I can't figure what to add Client Side Validation for form fields.

'#element_validate' => array('_file_generic_settings_max_filesize'),

I also don't know which value to put for different types of validation such as digit, email etc. '#element_validate' => 'email',

Also if I use this documentation https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/developer!topics!forms_api_reference.html/7.x/#element_validate:

'#element_validate' => array('email'),

it states that it needs to be string not an array.

And after all this documentation doesn't state that how to add validation instead just creating own validation: https://www.drupal.org/node/1324788

  • The Drupal FAPI doesn't provide clientside validation by default. You either need to add your own, or you need to find contributed modules that handle it for you.
    – Jaypan
    Commented Nov 22, 2016 at 14:06

1 Answer 1


Solution was to add following for each integer field with form alter:

['#rules'] = array('digit');

And perhaps it was also needed to set 'views_exposed_filters' as a custom form for validation in the settings of Client Side Validation module.

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