You will need to create a view to display dossiers when the company's NID is the contextual filter.
The below is for a module called "custom_views_args" and it's the custom_views_args.module file. You need to change the field name, view name and display name. It should work fine.
function custom_views_args_views_pre_view(&$view, &$display_id, &$args){
// Load User - This is done and held in memory on every page load so don't worry about performance.
global $user;
$user_company = user_load($user->uid);
// Get the Company's NID
$company_nid = 0; // Might stop errors
if (!empty($user_company->field_COMPANY['und'][0]['value']) or isset($user_company->field_COMPANY['und'][0]['value'])) {
$company_nid = $user_company->field_COMPANY['und'][0]['value'];
// Hook Views Pre View
if($view->name == 'VIEW_NAME' and $display_id == 'DISPLAY_NAME') {
$args[0] = $company_nid;
Works for me.
By the way, this question title isn't relevant to the question really.