I am trying to implement the following: Anonymous users are not allowed to view all nodes but only certain nodes.
I am using tac lite (https://www.drupal.org/project/tac_lite) to make this happen.
However, the only way I am currently able to control permissions to view nodes is the following:
not giving anonymous user the role 'View published content' and configuring tac_lite or other content access module to allow access to anonymous user to certain pages => doesn't work, access denied when testing nodes that user should has access to see
giving anonymous user the role 'View published content' => doesn't work, now anonymous users will see all the nodes regardless of settings of any other content access modules
Problem is not related to tac_lite. It also happens with for example node view permissions -module https://www.drupal.org/project/node_view_permissions.
Also, when trying to solve the problem this page caught my eye: https://www.drupal.org/node/270000 It says: "Only users who have 'access content'/'view published content' and not 'administer nodes'/'bypass node access' are eligible for the wild world of node access module control.."
I have understood that access control with Drupal is additive. Thus I should not give the anonynomous user the permission to 'view published content'. Yet, the text from https://www.drupal.org/node/270000 seems to contradict with this approach.
This is what devel node access shows when
- I have set 'view published content' permission off for anonymous user
- I have configured tac lite to show that page to anonymous user
- I visit the page as anonymous user