I'm looking to provide a template for a custom block in my custom module. There are two ways to go about this: provide a template for just the block's content, or provide a template that extends block.html.twig. I've returned empty-handed in my search for a best practice. Let me clarify the two options to provide a template for my custom module's block:
Option 1: provide a template for the block's content
* Implements hook_theme().
function mymodule_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
return array(
'mymodule' => array(
'variables' => array('var' => 'test'),
The template named mymodule.html.twig looks like this:
This is my content: {{ var }}
Option 2: extend block.html.twig
* Implements hook_theme().
function mymodule_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
return array(
'block__mymodule' => array(
'base hook' => 'block',
'variables' => array('var' => 'test'),
The template named block--mymodule.html.twig looks like this:
{% extends "block.html.twig" %} {% block content %} This is my content: {{ var }} {% endblock %}
Looking for a best practice
The documentation on Twig Template naming conventions is quite clear on this: for a block, the name should be block--module.html.twig. However, is that the filename a themer would use to overwrite my block content (option 1) or is it the filename I should use for the template I provide for my custom module (option 2)? I haven't found a clear answer on this so as far as I can see there's no best practice on this yet.