I'm making a website with Drupal 7, and I was looking through the permissions for Taxonomies. I wanted to give the website maintainers a central place to manage the vocabularies and add terms, sort the terms etc. So I gave their role the "Administer vocabularies and terms" permission under Taxonomy. This however resulted in an unwanted complication, mainly it gave them access to create new fields and manage their display ("Manage Fields" and "Manage Display" tabs).
Is there a way to give them access to the Vocabulary and Term edit screen which can be accessed through "Structure > Taxonomy" but however disable the "Manage Fields" and "Manage Display" tabs on the vocabulary edit screen?
I'm quite familiar with the notion of overriding and hooks in Drupal 6, but I'm quite new to Drupal 7 (in fact this is my first D7 website, made about 5 or 6 D6 websites) so I don't mind some coding solutions to this if any. Just looking for an answer or a push in the right direction.
Since no one has answered yet, I wanted to add that I'm willing to look into alternatives to the central area to manage taxonomies (admin/structure/taxonomy). Maybe I could look into creating a page with Views to simulate the taxonomies admin page.
Is it feasible and has anyone done anything like this before?