I am overriding the fields template views-view-fields--machine_name.html.twig.

I want to render some Fields in a different div than the other fields. I do not want the fields to render twice.

<div class="foo">
  {{ fields.field_events_date_start.content }}
  {{ fields.field_events_date_start_1.content }}

{% for field in fields -%}
  {{ field.separator }}
  {%- if field.wrapper_element -%}
    <{{ field.wrapper_element }}{{ field.wrapper_attributes }}>
  {%- endif %}
  {%- if field.label -%}
    {%- if field.label_element -%}
      <{{ field.label_element }}{{ field.label_attributes }}>{{ field.label }}{{ field.label_suffix }}</{{ field.label_element }}>
    {%- else -%}
      {{ field.label }}{{ field.label_suffix }}
    {%- endif %}
  {%- endif %}
  {%- if field.element_type -%}
    <{{ field.element_type }}{{ field.element_attributes }}>{{ field.content }}</{{ field.element_type }}>
  {%- else -%}
    {{ field.content }}
  {%- endif %}
  {%- if field.wrapper_element -%}
    </{{ field.wrapper_element }}>
  {%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}

If I exclude those Fields from the display in Views it hides them both when they render before and in the normal content area.

{{ content|without('field_events_date_start', 'field_events_date_start_1') }}

...Does not work because I am rendering Fields, not content.

How do I get the fields to render before, but be excluded later?

3 Answers 3


You would have to remove the two fields from fields.

<div class="foo">
  {{ fields.field_events_date_start.content }}
  {{ fields.field_events_date_start_1.content }}

{% for field in fields|without('field_events_date_start',  field_events_date_start_1') %}
{% endfor %}

Here is an example of this I did last week.

Filename views-view-fields--view_name--display_id.html.twig i.e. views-view-fields--acquia-search--results.html.twig in my case.

{{ fields.title.content }}
<p class="search-result__item-description">{{ fields.search_api_excerpt.content }}</p>
<ul class="search-result__item-meta">
  <li class="search-result__item-link"><span class="label">View More:</span> {{ fields.url.content }}</li>
  <li class="search-result__item-date"><span class="label">Date Modified:</span> {{ fields.changed.content }}</li>

I am printing the fields at my discretion and providing my own markup.

If you install Twig XDebug, you can drop {{ breakpoint() }} into your template and see your variables.


Example: in variable 'content' was 10 elements (name, date, id,...) {{ content }} - get all fields {{ content|without('date') }} get all fields(name, (((deleted - date))), id,...), except 'date'


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