After Ubercart checkout submitting order, I get this error:

Unable to send email. Contact the site administrator if the problem persists.

I am using the SMTP Authentication Support module, I configured it correctly. Test mails work. So the error lies probably within Ubercart.

On Drupal /admin/reports/dblog, I get this interesting error log:

Error on sending e-mail (from [email protected] to [email protected]).

it tries to send the mail to the sender mail? Very weird!

How to get this resolved?

1 Answer 1


Okay I found the solution using the instructions at "Drupal – Ubercart and SMTP Authentication Support".

  1. I installed Mail System module.
  2. In the Mail System configuration, I updated the Cart module class, Order module class and Store module class so that they all use the SmtpMailSystem rather than UbercartMailSystem, as shown in the screenprint below:

    enter image description here

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