I would like to add a column on the line item table on the orders edit page. I've tried to use theme_registry_alter($theme_registry)
to override the commerce line item theme_commerce_line_item_manager
, but it seems like it's not working. Below is my code:-
function MODULE_theme_registry_alter($theme_registry) {
if (isset($theme_registry['commerce_line_item_manager'])) {
$theme_registry['commerce_line_item_manager']['theme path'] = drupal_get_path('module', 'MODULE');
$theme_registry['commerce_line_item_manager']['function'] = 'MODULE_commerce_line_item_manager';
function MODULE_commerce_line_item_manager(&$variables) {
return 'Print something';
Am I missing something? Or is there any other way to alter the display or add a new column on the table?
I've also created a patch, but I don't feel it's the solution to alter the display. Please help. Thank you in advance.