During a form submit I would like to display a message that the server is busy processing the submission. In some cases a user has to wait for several seconds. This message should disappear automatically and submitting the form again should be prevented.
1 Answer
This can be achieved by creating an AJAX form. If you fear that the max execution time of the server will be a problem you should look into batch operations as mentioned by Kevin.
An easier alternative is to add a custom JavaScript file and react on the form submission.
Alter the forms you want to behave as requested in a custom module. Use the #attached property to add your custom JavaScript file (in your custom module directory).
$form['#attached']['js'][] = drupal_get_path('module', 'MODULE_NAME') . '/MODULE_NAME.js';
Then add something like the following to your JavaScript file:
(function ($) {
Drupal.behaviors.formSubmitFeedback = {
attach: function (context) {
// Get the forms we want to modify by form ID.
var $forms = $('#form_id_x, #form_id_y'),
submitCount = 0;
// Make sure the form is only submitted once.
$forms.once('submit-feedback').submit(function(e) {
if (submitCount) {
else {
var $submits = $forms.find('input[type=submit]');
// Hide all submit buttons so that they can't be clicked twice.
// Add a class to the form so we can do some specific styling.
// Add a wait message with throbber after the submit buttons.
$submits.after('<p class="submit-wait-txt ajax-progress-throbber"><span class="throbber"></span>' + Drupal.t('YOUR MESSAGE') + '</p>');
// Make all input fields (except the submit buttons) readonly.
$forms.find('input').not($submits).blur().prop('readonly', true);
This piece of code hides the submit button and cancels later submits. A message is added to the DOM with a Drupal throbber (depending on your theme). You may need some CSS to make it look nice. There will be a 'submit-wait' class on the form after submission.