I have two custom content entity types that I've created with a module. Neither one of these content entity types extends Node.
Our site has a search bar, and we want to include these two custom content entity types in the core search results (searching within the name of the entity only).
The only demo I can find on this topic is this, but this doesn't seem to be working for me. I've modified the code to match the identifiers and properties of my custom entity type, placed the code in the module's src/Plugin folder, cleared the cache, but my entity type still does not appear as an option in /admin/config/search/pages. Only Content and Users continue to be available search pages. Additionally I am suspicious that this work for a custom content entity type since I am trying to match search index IDs with entity IDs in the queries within the code, but I think this consistency is only maintained for node entities.
I have also tried following this method of defining a search page through Views, but none of the options this poster has selected are available when I try to make a search page for a custom content entity type (for example "Search" as a filter criteria is not present).
I can't seem to find very much useful info on this topic and am wondering if there are any resources I'm simply missing or misunderstanding.