I am trying to make a link pointing to # but am unable to find a method that works.

The output i would like to see is

<a href="#">Example</a>

I have tried a few variations of the following without success.

$url = Url::fromUserInput('#');
$link_item = Link::fromTextAndUrl(t('Example'), $url);
return $link_item->toRenderable();

I have also tried using ::fromUri etc and am unable to find a method that produces tehd esired output, please help.


2 Answers 2


It's probably not possible to attach an empty fragment. See this code in UrlGenerator::generateFromRoute():

if (isset($options['fragment'])) {
  if (($fragment = trim($options['fragment'])) != '') {
    $fragment = '#' . $fragment;

If the fragment is empty it is ignored and no '#' shows up. This doesn't change if you provide the fragment in Url::fromUserInput(), because the fragment is transfered to the options and later processed by the same or similar code.

So you have to provide an anchor in the fragment:

$url = Url::fromUserInput('#anchor1');


$url = Url::fromRoute('<current>', [], ['fragment' => 'anchor2']);

As alternative option you can place a link with an empty fragment

<a href="#">{{ examplevariable }}</a>

either in a twig template or in an inline template in php.


The following code:

$link = \Drupal\Core\Link::fromTextAndUrl(
          \Drupal\Core\Url::fromUserInput('#', ['fragment' => '#'])

will return:

<a href="##">Example</a>

Here is the example to return a custom path:

\Drupal\Core\Link::fromTextAndUrl(t('Example'), \Drupal\Core\Url::fromUri('base:/some/path'))->toString();

which returns:

<a href="/some/path">Example</a>

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