Still converting my D6 theme to D8 and I need to override the HTML output for a custom field in a node twig template. After some readings, I don't find an example for this. My field contain files and I want them to display in a HTML list instead of a div + span. So I created a file named field--field-fichier-joint.html.twig and added inside the code from this post , but I get a WSOD. This is my actually code:
{% extends "@stable/field/field.html.twig" %}
{# Create classes array #}
{% set classes = [] %}
{# BEM inspired class syntax:
Enable this code if you would like field classes like "article__tags", where article is the content type and field_tags is the field name.
{% set classes = classes|merge([
bundle ~ '__' ~ field_name|replace({'field_' : ''})|clean_class
]) %}
{% set attributes = attributes.addClass(classes) %}
Ensures that the visually hidden option for field labels works correctly.
@todo: Remove when is resolved.
{% set title_attributes = title_attributes.addClass(label_display == 'visually_hidden' ? 'visually-hidden') %}
{% for item in items %}
<li>{{ item.content }}</li>
{% endfor %}
If someone can help me. Thanks
EDIT: 4k4 solution work fine but I need to add some classes and I saw a very smart solution but I need help to use it. This is here
EDIT2: adding classes work but how can specify which one to apply to an element ? Then when I want to add some flexibility to the code with this:
{# Définition des variables et classes #}
set classes = classes ?: [
'field--' ~ field_name|replace({'field_' : ''})|clean_class
{% set wrapper_element = wrapper_element ?: 'ul' %}
{% set element = element ?: 'li' %}
{# Mise en forme sortie HTML #}
<{{ wrapper_element }}{{ attributes.addClass(classes) }}>
{% for item in items %}
<{{ element }}>{{ item.content }}</{{ element }}>
{% endfor %}
</{{ wrapper_element }}>
I get Multiple items like this, why ?:
< Un fichier joint pour test Autre fichier test > Un fichier joint pour test Un fichier joint pour test Autre fichier test > < Un fichier joint pour test Autre fichier test > Autre fichier test Un fichier joint pour test Autre fichier test >
2- Adding classes I want to add classes to my HTML output, in particular, the odd/even and I found this code but only odd class is applied:
set li_classes = classes ?: [
'field--' ~ field_name|replace({'field_' : ''})|clean_class,
'ligne__' ~ cycle(['odd', 'even'], loop.index0),
then, my li
classes inherit from ul
classes, how can I avoid this ?
This code work better but the cycle loop result is out of the class..
<li {{ attributes.addClass(li_classes) }}{{ cycle(['odd', 'even'], loop.index0)}}>{{ item.content }}</li>
<li class="field__ul field--fichier-joint field__li ligne__odd" odd="">
<li class="field__ul field--fichier-joint field__li ligne__odd" even="">
EDIT: the Final code
{# Les classes a jouter à la liste UL #}
set ul_classes = classes ?: [
'field--' ~ field_name|replace({'field_' : ''})|clean_class
{# Mise en forme HTML #}
<ul {{ attributes.addClass(ul_classes) }}>
{% for item in items %}
{# Les classes a jouter aux lignes LI #}
set li_classes = classes ?: [
'field--' ~ field_name|replace({'field_' : ''})|clean_class,
'ligne__' ~ cycle(['odd', 'even'], loop.index0),
<li {{ item.attributes.addClass(li_classes) }}>{{ item.content }}</li>
{% endfor %}