I have this exact error on my site.
I am trying to troubleshoot the error using dd(debug_backtrace());
through the Devel module as is described on the link above.
Being the noob on developing I can't figure out how to print the output in a drupal_debug.txt
file under the tmp
folder in the root of my Drupal Installation (As is described in the in the link above).
I have tried dd(debug_backtrace()); but I don't see any error file being created so I also tried dd(debug_backtrace('drupal_debug.txt')); but I get the error:
Warning: file_put_contents(): Only 0 of 1 bytes written, possibly out of free disk space in drupal_debug() (line 1793 of /home/bigcypru/public_html/sites/all/modules/devel/devel.module).
Devel was unable to write to
I created the file manually and set 777 permissions to be sure is writable but still get the same error and I am sure I have enough space in my hosting plan.