I have this code to get entity meta wrapper and print text fields. But I can't see how to print entity reference values.
$wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('my_entity', $entity);
print $wrapper->field_my_field->value();
You can access entity reference values by calling entity metadata wrapper API on the reference field.
For instance, if you have a node with a field which references a profile2
$wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('node', node_load(1));
$profile_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('profile2', $wrapper->field_profile->value());
print $profile_wrapper->field_about->value();
or if you prefer rendering the entity,
print render($profile_wrapper->view());
You can access entity reference values without creating a new wrapper. Entity metadata wrappers can be chained easily.
If a field is a reference field or a taxonomy term etc, the value will be the ID of the referenced entity. If you want to get the title/name of the entity, you can use the label()
A sample code:
$wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('my_entity', $entity_id);
// To print the title/name of the referenced entity
print $wrapper->field_my_reference_field->label();
// To print the value of a field on the referenced entity
print $wrapper->field_my_reference_field->field_on_referenced_entity->value();