This might be a really stupid question because I am overlooking something really simple but here is my issue. I have created a custom block in the custom block library in Drupal 8. I would like to insert images into the block from the images folder in my theme (not upload images using ckeditor).
Normally in Drupal 7 I can manually insert the image using an tag and all is good. In Drupal 8 this method is not working for me. Here is an example of the code that I enter into the source view:
<img class="socialmedia" src="/themes/custom/mytheme/images/social_media/facebook.png" />
However this does not work - no image is being displayed. I have verified that the path is correct, the spelling is correct, and tried with and without the leading slash. Nothing works.
I found a similar question, but the answers supplied don't address the question as they use php code.
What has changed between Drupal 7 and 8 in this regard? What am I missing?