So i have a couple of nodes I made with the media gallery module. Then made a view called 'most recent photoalbums' with I put inside a block to be displayed on the frontpage. The problem is that characters %5B and %5D are being generated against will and make the links to the nodes not work when clicked. So, hovering over an image in such a view
So with display set as block, everything is left as default except the following:
Show: fields
Content: title - nothing fancy here when it comes to settings just linked to node
Content: Gallery media - here obviously is the problem
No labels set whatsoever
uncheck exclude from display
- Formatter set to Media
- File view mode: Preview
- Multiple field settings fieldset: 'Display all values in same row' checked, Display type: 'unordered list', 'Separator: Display 4 values starting from 0' - 'reversed' unchecked - 'first and last only' unchecked.
- Style settings fieldset: only 'add default classes' checked.
Rewrite settings fieldset (where it's at):
'Rewrite this output as fied' unchecked,
'Output this field as link' checked,
'Link path': node/[title] (I tried all replacement patterns as suggested ),
'use absolute path' unchecked,
'Replace spaces with dashes' checked,
'External server URL' unchecked,Transform the case: no transform, all the textfields under
Link class, title text, rel text, Prefix Text, suffix text and Target are left empty,
'Trim this field to a maximum length' unchecked,
'strip html tags' unchecked, under 'preserve certain tags' -> 'remove whitespace' checked, 'Convert newlines to HTML br tags' unchecked.