I would like to print the result when calling the node_load() function. All I get is an error... How do I get something on my screen?

Here is the code I try:

$form = node_load(1473);
print render($form);

And the error:

Recoverable fatal error: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string in include() (line 10 of ... 

How can I display the content of $form properly?

2 Answers 2


You should use the node_view() function to prepare the correct output for your required view mode:

$view_mode = 'teaser'; // Or 'full' for example

$node = node_load(1473);

$view = node_view($node, $view_mode);

print render($view);

I think you are trying to get the array structure of a node you can dot it with the help of below code.

<?php echo "<pre>"; print_r(node_load(1473)); echo "</pre>"; ?>
  • 1
    Or dpm(node_load(1473)) if you are using devel.
    – Felix Eve
    Commented Mar 21, 2014 at 16:10

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