You cant give same name for theme and module.
I have found an article on
How to Resolve module-theme name collision
When developing a site it can happen that a module and theme are being
given the same name. This results in very weird behavior: overriding
hooks can make your blocks disappear, print $content returns only
'array', hence disappearing admin interfaces which force us to alter
the database to get back on track.
Now we have to find out how to remove the new theme and switch back to
an old one. if your site is big, with lots of content, then
reinstalling is not an option. I tested this with MySQL, so these
hints are for MySQL only.
Make a backup of your database first. We are going to edit the dumped
records, and reinsert the database. I used this method because using
my favorite editor is way easier and safer than using MySQL shell
(anyway we shouldn't edit a live site database).
The theme name is registered in the following tables in your database:
system, variables and block. Clear the cache manually, meaning to
remove all the INSERT INTO cache_
lines in order to see results.
Change the 'default_theme' value in system
. Note that 's' stands for
string length, so be sure you put the string length after the 's:'.
Also make sure you change the value to an existing theme (available
themes are listed in system
). And remove, or rename your troublesome
The change in block
is imperative, otherwise the blocks will not
appear. Drop your old database from the sql server and insert the
edited one. Voila, we have recovered from a theme crash.
Never give a module and a theme the same name
Here's the D7 Patch