with views rules is possible, a bit complicated, make a user view, you will need a contextual filter, "When the filter value is NOT available", "Provide default value", php code, then add something like:
global $user; // gets current logged in user object
if (isset($user->field_user_address[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['country'])) {
$user_country = $user->field_user_address[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]
return $user_country;}
instead of using & returning $user_country, use & return your email field, and that view will return only the loggedin user field-email, add a relationship on node author, then add "node title" or whatever form the relationship, then apply a rule on that view and delete (or unplubish) that content. hope it helps.
EDIT: may be is over-coded my solution, just add a user view, contextual filter, loggedin user from URL, apply filters and relationships as needed to only get the node you are looking for, then apply a rule on that view.