I am writing a view that lists all content of a specific type. I would like to, additionally, be able to set paths to content made by a specific user. For example drupal.dd/content will give all content. Then drupal.dd/%/content will show only the content by a specific user where % is the user's name. The issue I have come across is, when I create the path with /%/content it says the first segment of the path cannot be %. I am using a contextual filter to filter by author. How would I go about doing so. I am using Drupal 8.
1 Answer
You should already have a path for this at drupal.dd/content/[author] based on how you have setup the contextual filter. If you are using a contextual filter, they will get appended to the path of the view, and it sounds like your view has a path of "/content".
Is there a way to do /%/content ? Without withing the contextual filter perhaps?– KevinCommented Jul 14, 2017 at 20:14
I assume you are asking about still utilizing views. As you mentioned, you cannot have a wildcard as the first part of the path. So you could put something else there to have it be /[something]/%/content. Is there a reason that you are opposed to just using "/content" as everything and "/content/[author]" as the filter by author? Commented Jul 14, 2017 at 20:21
I am recreating an existing site in Drupal 8 that is currently using Drupal 6. The current format must be maintained :/. Is there a way to do this which would not be using views?– KevinCommented Jul 14, 2017 at 20:26
How was it done on the 6 site? did they do a custom module with a hook_menu and define a page callback for the "%/content" paths? You can do a similar thing in 8 using routes with wildcards as well. Commented Jul 14, 2017 at 20:32
Just follow the conventions. A route should not start with a contextual filter.– KevinCommented Jul 14, 2017 at 21:51