I'm building a site that will incorporate data mapped from users quite extensively, and I'd like the front page to mostly be just a map showing various relevant data. I'm also trying to build the site in a way that is adapted to mobile use.
I have an openlayers map constructed, it displays data, mostly behaves as I'd like, and I have it on the front page. That's all good. What I'd like to do is have the map become narrower in order to respond to display size. I'm currently using the omega them and I can get other elements to respond, but not the map.
Is there a way to clip the map? Can I bring in different map displays for different screens? Is this in any way possible?
I'm nearly completely new to all of this, learning css/js/php on the fly as I run into issues. I feel like this might be something js can help with (I found this link, for instance: http://pastebin.com/GumWwSMB), but I'm not sure if it's appropriate/best nor where/how to implement it.
Thanks for your help.
width: 100%
in the CSS for the main div of your map? Then it may scale to the width of the parent container when the browser is resized. It's how it works with images, but I've never used openlayers so I'm not sure how the maps are rendered.