It is quite hard to do indeed. One way to do this is by setting a dummy billing address and hide the address form.
You will need to do the following:
- In a custom module, add a CommerceCheckoutPane plugin. The plugin class should extend \Drupal\commerce_payment\Plugin\Commerce\CheckoutPane\PaymentInformation.
Override the buildPaneForm()
method, in there:
- Set an
callback. In this callback, make each address field non-required. The reason that you need an #after_build
callback is that else address fields won't be available.
On the commerce_profile_select element, set an #element_validate
callback. In this callback, set the address values. The reason that you need an #element_validate
is because a general form validation callback is called too late in the validation process to set the address in time. This is because the address element has a constraint and the address is validated against this constraint after #element_validate
and before a general form validate. Should you try to set the address in a general form validation callback, then you'll get address field required errors because of the constraint.
You can set the #element_validate
callback as well in the #after_build
callback, which I've done in the code example below.
- To hide the address form, you'll need to set
for the address form. This needs to happen in the #after_build
callback as well, because earlier the address form isn't available yet.
- On the checkout flow settings, disable the default Payment information pane (and enable the custom Payment information pane if not yet enabled).
- To hide the dummy billing address on the 'Review' step, copy the template commerce-payment-method--credit-card.html.twig (and/or commerce-payment-method.html.twig if you are using a non-credit card payment method) to your theme and remove the line
{{ payment_method.billing_profile }}
from it.
Code example (file name: mymodule/src/Plugin/Commerce/CheckoutPane/PaymentInformation.php
namespace Drupal\custom_commerce\Plugin\Commerce\CheckoutPane;
use Drupal\commerce_payment\Plugin\Commerce\CheckoutPane\PaymentInformation as PaymentInformationBase;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Render\Element;
* Provides the payment information pane.
* @CommerceCheckoutPane(
* id = "custom_commerce_payment_information",
* label = @Translation("Custom Payment information"),
* display_label = @Translation("Payment information"),
* default_step = "order_information",
* wrapper_element = "fieldset",
* )
class PaymentInformation extends PaymentInformationBase {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function buildPaneForm(array $pane_form, FormStateInterface $form_state, array &$complete_form) {
$pane_form = parent::buildPaneForm($pane_form, $form_state, $complete_form);
// Add an after build callback in order to make modifications on the address form.
$pane_form['#after_build'][] = [$this, 'paneFormAfterBuild'];
return $pane_form;
* After build callback for the pane form.
public function paneFormAfterBuild(array $pane_form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
// Get billing form element. Where it is located depends on the payment method that is chosen.
if (isset($pane_form['add_payment_method']['billing_information'])) {
$billing_form = &$pane_form['add_payment_method']['billing_information'];
elseif (isset($pane_form['billing_information'])) {
$billing_form = &$pane_form['billing_information'];
else {
// No billing information found.
return $pane_form;
// Get the address form element.
$address_form = &$billing_form['address']['widget']['0']['address'];
// Add element validation callback to autofill the address.
$billing_form['#element_validate'] = array_merge(
[[$this, 'profileSelectValidate']],
\Drupal::service('element_info')->getInfoProperty('commerce_profile_select', '#element_validate', [])
// Set all address fields to non-required.
foreach (Element::children($address_form) as $key) {
$address_form[$key]['#required'] = FALSE;
// Hide the address form.
$address_form['#access'] = FALSE;
return $pane_form;
* Element validation callback for the profile select element.
public function profileSelectValidate(array &$element, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
// Set dummy address.
$address = [
'given_name' => 'A',
'family_name' => 'A',
'address_line1' => 'Dummy street',
'postal_code' => '1234 AB',
'locality' => 'Dummy city',
'country_code' => 'NL',
$form_state->setValue($element['address']['widget'][0]['address']['#parents'], $address);