I want to add a custom attribute to the main div of a node only on teaser view mode. e-g

<div class="node" tarbot="left"> </div>    

I need to add tarbot attribute to the main div of a node to apply a JS function. I want to affect only teaser view mode with my Function, not Full content display.

  • Is it custom field or any entity field?
    – Ajay Reddy
    Oct 10, 2017 at 12:40
  • 1
    You should be able to add custom attributes via #attributes key in the build array before it is sent for rendering.
    – Kevin
    Oct 10, 2017 at 14:26
  • 1
    @Kevin How I can. could you provide me a format or context? Oct 11, 2017 at 6:11

2 Answers 2


We can use preprocess function to change OR add an attribute to our node main div.

function MYMODULE_preprocess_node(&$variables){

  // Array of aatributes which we want to pass to the node div.
  $attr_array = ['tarbot' => 'value']; 

  // Condition for teaser format.
  if ($variables['teaser'] == TRUE) { 

    $variables['attributes_array'] = $attr_array;   

by using this function we will get our node div in this form

<div class="node" tarbot="value"> </div>

In {THEMENAME}.theme file(d8) or template.php file(d7) under your theme, you can use template_preprocess_node function and add the extra attributes to node by checking the view mode.


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