I use the Symfony framework the first time and goes through several tutorials to create an own entity type. https://www.daggerhart.com/drupal-8-custom-entities-bundles/ or https://www.daggerhart.com/drupal-8-custom-entities-bundles/
Now runs all very well, but I didn`t get the operation links(edit/delete) in every row for the saved content. There is only a devel link. If I moved directly to the content like www.exapmle/mytest/{id}/edit or www.exapmle/mytest/{id}/delete I can saw the content, edit the content, delete the content and the tabs are shown. So I think I have the permission for that.
Any ideas?
path: '/tested/{mytest}/delete'
_entity_form: mytest.delete
_title: 'Delete Test'
_entity_access: 'mytest.delete'
mytest.php in src/Entity
* @ContentEntityType(
* id = "mytest",
* links = {
* "canonical" = "/tested/{mytest}",
* "delete-shop" = "/tested/{mytest}/delete",
* "collection" = "/tested"
* },
* )