Hopefully some wise Drupal guru will be able to help me with this one.
I'm using menu and menu block to output a side menu in Drupal 7. Using Panelizer, on a basic page I can customize display and add a view pane (Case study: Teaser), which will display a list of case study teasers:
I can add a case study content type, which provides a menu link. The problem is over time there will likely be hundreds of case studies, and it will look unwieldly to have hundrens of children/sub-pages in the menu.
I could list the links and disable them from the menu (and also keep the breadcrumb path):
However, various admin and editors will be using this, so ideally I'd like some functionality whereby sub-pages do not appeaer in the menu when a Case Study content type is used, but the breadcrumb path is still shown:
If anyone could point me in the right direction, I'd be eternally grateful :)