I am use Easy Breadcrumb module for a D8 site. I have everything I need with this module as it alters the existing Breadcrumb block, but it outputs relative URLs.
How can I change the relative URLs to absolute?
Current issue (Breadcrumb Output):
<a href="/level-one">level One</a>
<a href="/level-one/level-two">level two</a>
<a href="/level-one/level-two/level-three">level three</a>
Current Level
Expected output:
<a href="https://www.domain.com/level-one">level One</a>
<a href="https://www.domain.com/level-one/level-two">level two</a>
<a href="https://www.domain.com/level-one/level-two/level-three">level three</a>
Current Level