I am using Drupal Commons (7.x-3.46).. Whenever trying to "break contact" of a trusted-contacts, I get an error:
An AJAX HTTP error occurred. HTTP Result Code: 500 Debugging information follows. Path: /batch?id=19&op=do StatusText: Service unavailable (with message) ResponseText: EntityMetadataWrapperException: Invalid data value given. Be sure it matches the required data type and format. Value at og_membership(): . in EntityDrupalWrapper->set() (line 756 of C:\Users\USER\Sites\commons-7.x-3.46or\profiles\commons\modules\contrib\entity\includes\entity.wrapper.inc).
An authenticated user can't break-contact at all. Trying as an administrator, it throws the error, but does complete the operation, and does breaks the contact. This seems (to me) to be a crucial issue. If users can't remove a contact, I dare-not give them the possibility to add contacts in the first place..
At some point I thought it was all about VBO, so (I think) I uploaded the dev version of it, but I'm still getting the same behavior. Also, changing the php version as suggested somewhere, made no difference.
In my search for a solution I've come across many similar issues, some of which I've listed below. But I haven't found the very same issue I'm facing, and with so many different solutions I'm not sure where to start. In some posts it's about views-bulk-operations. In others it's about the Entity module. Or about Organic Groups. Or indeed about the Trusted-Contacts module itself. As I'm no patching-guru, I'm uncertain of how to proceed
Similar but not identical issues: